The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow Bunny

This kid (aka, ME!) is having a lot more fun in the snow than I've been having!

Christmas crazies have landed full force. Maybe it was late Thanksgiving. Maybe it was being gone a week.

Doesn't matter -- this weekend will be spent decorating, baking, shopping, wrapping, prepping for mailing, more baking, more decorating, card-stuffing, crafting (like, when?), cleaning, and did I mention decorating and baking?

This was Gypsy's tree last year -- he didn't like the fact that it blocked the Birdbath Bar and Grill, so this year it will be in a different spot and he'll get the window to himself. (It will also save grief as he tried to wedge his big ol' orange body between the tree-fence and the window!)

All that will keep me busy (along with some scheduled gatherings, like the office Christmas party and the Irish Club party we're going to). This weekend is the 15th anniversary of my dad's death, and busy is a good thing.

Don't forget to enter my blogaversary drawing with your comments!

Here's the first of several Christmas cookie recipes I'll be posting. It's a crowd-pleaser and makes a ton if you cut them very small (which is about all one wants -- they're very rich!)

Amazing Peanut Butter Bars

Melt: 2 sticks butter.
Add: 1 c. brown sugar and stir.
Add: 2 c. peanut butter and stir.
Add: 1 t. vanilla

Remove from heat and stir in 1 pound powdered sugar (mix with hands)

Spread on big cookie sheet with sides or bar pan and chill while making topping.

Melt 1 stick butter
1 large bag chocolate chips

Stir till glossy, spread on top. Cool at room temp. Slice. Refrigerate. (Makes about 72 if you cut them small, and easily 60. I keep in the fridge and if I cut them to give away, layer with waxed paper.)


  1. Lovely...Gypsy`s tree from last year.....I have just imagined Ronja lying under her own Christmas tree....imagine how lucky we are that Ronja is a girl....*lol*.....
    You list all the things you have to do this weekend......but you forgot "Writing in Herzblatt`s Blog"....*lol*....
    Wish you a busy but nevertheless comfortable weekend

  2. I love seeing all your wonderful Christmas decorations... those bars sound mighty delicious, too! Hope you enjoy your busy, festive weekend!

  3. I love the picture of you. You should have been a model in your toddler years!

  4. The cat with it's own tree! You've got to love it!

    The goodies look really good. I must resist!

  5. hello, hello and happy holidays jeanie! i love the fact that the gypsy has his own tree...what a happy cat he must be. i have done nothing yet for christmas! well i have some gifts and made some cookies but nothing else. and the cookies are eaten already anyways. in spite of how busy you are you still make a wonderful sounding holiday! thinking of you and your dad. but staying busy is good.

    i think you forgot to mention the decorating you have yet to do....


  6. You are a real cutie in that snow! and, the cookies look yummy.


  7. What a cutie you were! I know what you mean about the Christmas stuff! Our trees are out, but not yet decorated.

  8. that photo of you is PRICELESS, I tell you....ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS !!

    and your post card,thanks for sharing those images !!!!

  9. The look on your face in the b&w picture is priceless - great picture. Black and white is such a great photo medium. ANd then your Gypsy, looking not quite thrilled by the Xmas tree! Blocking the view of the birds, eh?
    I have no idea how you'll accomplish your entire list AND work, but something tells me you will. It's so hard to stay up and do a lot of this fun stuff during this Season, is it?
    And thanks for recipes, esp. the WW one!

    more later on how those go. Meanwhile, I'm intrigued by your art crafting projects ...

  10. LOVE the recipe...sounds so good.
    My Henry would never leave that tree alone I am afraid. he is not too bad about the biggest one but the smaler ones? Oh my! He goes silly! Lucky Gypsy to have one all his own!

    LOVED that picture of you. Weare of the same *vintage* or close to well I remember a sled like that and having my Dad pull me back up the hill!


  11. Love the pics of you when you were little. Thats why I had to use one in your ornie. Lucky Gypsy has his on tree,,lol.


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