The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Pink in My Holiday Home!

My house is not much into pink, but there are certain holiday things I couldn't resist!

For example, the bathroom. That's sort of pinky -- enough for these things!

I love this pink Santa -- one of my favorites. His face reminds me of my grad school advisor!

She seems happy enough to wait for Christmas!

On my postcard tree, two Santas definitely are welcome for Pink Saturday!

And this framed photo is one I did before digital, so it's a photo of the framed piece and a tad glaring!

Who says Rudolf has a red nose? I think pink is the color here (maybe this is Vixen?)!

And these aren't pink but here is the purse that the winner of my blogaversary drawing will receive.

And just for scale, here it is with the Gypsy!

So, enter with your comments and thanks for stopping by. See more Pink Saturday pretties by linking through Beverly's site.


  1. How very lovely.
    I love Pink.
    Happy Blogiversary

  2. OOhh! That purse is beautiful! Looks like the Gypster likes it, too! Your pink Christmas is also pretty!

  3. Love all the pink - so pretty. Happy holidays! xo

  4. Very lovely...the pink Santa is my favourite colour....not everywhere, for example I never would wear a pink pullover or I haven`t got any pink furniture ...but I like pink quilts or for little girls I like pink dresses and I love pink bedclothes...*lol*....
    Happy Blogiversary

  5. How frothy & frivolous & festive! Very lovely!

    Your felted purse is lovely, too... and it looks like the Gypsy might be interested in "fishing" in it.

    Hope you're enjoying a restorative weekend!

  6. Oh love all the pink. Hugs, Denise

  7. Well sure I'll enter. Love the concept of a Pink X'mas. Artistic types never run out of new ideas!

    Have a Holly Jolly!

  8. My house isn't much for pink either, but when I started looking around there was lots in the Christmas stuff.

  9. I haven't been around Blogland much lately but I'm so glad I popped in today to see all your pink decorations. And even though I'm a bit late Happy Blogiversary!

    Happy Holidays to you!!

  10. LOVE that first PINK Santa! Happy PINK Saturday! ENJOY! Fifi

  11. Happy Blogiversary! Sweet cat. Thank you for sharing. Happy Pink Day!

  12. Happy Pink Saturday, Jeanie.

    All of your pinks are so pretty, and the purse is great.

    You made me laugh saying our Santa looked like your adviser.

  13. Cute bathroom...LOVE Rudolph's "bling"! How kind of your kitty to model for you.

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  14. I love all your decor! The beads are Rudolph (or Vixen) are beautiful. Great idea!

  15. too funny that gypsy is loving on that purse !!!!

    does she know that it's already dead ??

  16. Pink holiday? Yes, yes, why not? Pink Santa with academic adviser face is wonderful (even Harry Potter-ish in a way) but the Rudolph with the beads somehow steals the show - because it's different AND a cool idea? I dunno.
    Say happy blogaversary to Gypsy since, after all, it's his namesake

  17. I love all your pink! You're so sweet. I got my card and goodies, all under the tree! You're the bestest. xoxo

  18. Congrats on your blogiversary!

  19. Have a wonderful Pink Christmas!!

  20. The pink gives a lovely tone to Christmas.


  21. Season Greetings..Love the pink Santa...Merry Christmas to you and yours :)Ellen


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