The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Marmy's Mummy Is a Ribbon Ho (and a healthy recipe)

Yesterday, in the frenzy of package wrapping and festivities, the Marmelade Gypsy asked:

'"Mummy, What's a Ribbon Ho?"

"A Ribbon Ho is a person who can't control her addiction to ribbon."

"Maybe Gyppy is a Ribbon Ho, too -- cuz Gyppy love ribbon!

Could be!

Here's a sort-of healthy holiday cookie recipe! And basically, it's so easy it's cheating! Package them with whole almonds for a good gift!

Dipped Apricots

One package of dried apricots
White chocolate chips and/or Semi-sweet chocolate chips

Melt chocolate in microwave (carefully -- it can burn, so do it slowly and for only 30 seconds at a time, stirring between) or over a double boiler.

Dip half of the apricot into the chocolate and let harden on a rack over waxed paper.

How hard is that?

Don't forget to enter my blogaversary drawing with your comments -- at least one prize is a felted purse!


  1. looking at all this ribbon as I sip my morning coffee and ignore the clock! a ribbon ho?! Priceless. Great picture story. And Gypsy looks really really pleased!

  2. Thanks for the laugh. :) I have a four legged ribbon ho too! I would also rather use ribbon than bows. Guess I like to do things the hard way.

  3. Gorgeous ribbon! (I am soooo jealous.) And I love the shoebox trick for keeping the rolls from tangling up.

  4. If there's anything I love more than holiday treats (preferably chocolate), it's a good laugh. Very funny, JC! Love it!

    See you tonight for more laughs, and treats, hopefully chocolate!

    Holiday Hugs (I like those, too!)


  5. My kitty has become a ribbon ho like her Mommy,,I have tried to kick the ribbon addiction but can't find a 12 step class for it.
    So I just keep on shamefully stashing my ribbons in secret places. Maybe one day I can control it!!!

  6. These are so good with Dark Chocolate if you like dark chocolate. There are companies who make them, but I like that you can make them at home. Next party, that is what I'm taking. Easy and flashy at the same time! Darks and white chocolates together would be good.

  7. hmmm, a tasty sounding healthy recipe. And, I don't see any problem with the ribbon.


  8. A ribbon ho, huh? tsk tsk I just can't imagine. hahaha

  9. If ribbon was the only thing I was addicted to that would be great! That was hilarious! Thanks!

  10. Hi Jeannie, Thanks for the wonderful smile/laugh...Ribbon Ho! I've got 6 -5# barrels full of ribbon and 2 -4# barrels full. Orange and yellow, reds, greens, blues,aquas, 2 whites, silver-golds-browns-greys. Happy happies. Joyce

  11. Hey, I forgot...I got 2 plastic shoe boxes -blks and purples, multi-colored.
    Not to mention the 4 rolls just sitting stacked! The containers are see-thru, so they often give off inspiration without my even realizing it. Joyce


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