The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Looking Back -- August through November

More looking back in 2008...

The Marmelade Gypsy and I say hello!

My wonderful women friends and I celebrated Halloween in style!

Gotta love a Gypsy!

My friend Nancy, from Colorado, visited. I've known her since I was four!

It was fun talking with my 100-year-old neighbor, Eulah, during lake visits.

A visit to Canada in October brought good times with my old high school friend Suzanne and two wonderful theatre experiences at Shaw Festival. (Not to mention hitting a couple of great yarn shops!)

Visits to the farm market continued. I loved this image from a garden shop at the market.

Rick and I loved our travels to Myrtle Beach for his trade show. It meant lots of beach time!

And time to do a little photography along the way!

When we visited Rick's dad in North Carolina, we enjoyed a long bike ride on the Virginia Creeper Trail! (Well, it was more sitting on the bike for 18 miles, rather than pedaling as it was all downhill, but more fun than anything!)

And we went to wonderful Grandfather Mountain with its mile-high views!

While on the Creeper Trail, I was able to capture these gorgeous butterflies with the camera. They were everywhere and they were fabulous!

Thanks for stepping back on memory lane with me! Don't forget -- comments through midnight on December 31 are entered into the blogaversary drawing!


  1. Hi there-
    Hope you had a merry xmas. The MG is a large, beautiful puddy. I like Myrtle Beach too. We used to go in March when we lived in NY. I golf poorly but loved to play there.
    Take care and happy new year in a couple of days!

  2. So many wonderful memories....where has the time gone????
    You travel a`s great...
    It`s my dream to visit America and Canada, too, but next year we have to renovate our house and it will cost a lot of money.....but if I win in the lottery I will come immediately....*lol* ...I never play...but my husband does!!!
    I wish you a "Happy New Year" and the best of everything !!!!

  3. Looks like good times! I like the idea of a bike ride that only goes downhill!

  4. It's always fun looking back. Love all the photos!

  5. Looks like you have some great friends and have definitely had a great time this year! Wishing you a new year as full of life and memories as this one has been.

  6. I love that butterfly picture!

  7. Well I guess I missed your post yesterday but sure enjoyed looking at it and this one tonight. Your blog is so interesting to look at and read. Loved looking back through your wonderful memories of this year.

  8. That first photo of you and the gypsy is absolutely fantastic! You look so happy....your smile could light up the world!

    Happy New Year!!!

  9. Mostly..I say we've had a great year! You look so happy, my dear friend. Love ya.


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