The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Dusting of Snow

Our first snow arrived on Monday, November 10 -- which is too early for my money!

Not much of it, but enough to remind us that there is more to come.

Meanwhile, with his windows closed, The Marmelade Gypsy can only gaze at the birds frequenting Gypsy Rose's Birdbath Bar and Grill.

Someday his ship will come in.


  1. Oh my- snow- yes, I think its too early for snow. Today we had one of those gray, use your headlights all day type days- but the temp was in the 50s- but I dread the snow coming.

  2. The picture of TMG is just right. I love it, along with your line about "frequenting the birdbath and bar" - you have a wonderful book in the works there, Jeanie. Your photos and writing themed around TMG. Hilarious, touching, observant ...

  3. I just love fresh snow.
    Great pictures the cat looks ready to tell those birds off!

  4. Definitely too early! At least it was only a dusting.


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