The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Countdown to Thanksgiving -- Bring Up the China!

Thanksgiving is almost here. The real kick-off to the holiday season.

I have posted part two of my series on grieving on Chopsticks and String. This one is about getting through the holidays and includes timely suggestions for coping with the holidays while grieving a loved one -- or helping others in your circle do the same.

It's funny -- I don't have lots of Thanksgiving memories from childhood. I remember watching the parades, but I really don't remember anything else -- no dinner, where we ate. Probably with my grandparents...

It wasn't till Mom died, and her sister seven months later, that Dad and I started celebrating Thanksgiving with the Cleveland cousins. That stopped after Dad started having travel challenges.

But I've really enjoyed the holiday in the past decade or so, enjoying it as an adult and with Rick and on occasion the kids. Sometimes friends join us -- like my friend Richard. It's a good food holiday.

This year no kids -- maybe for dessert or later. So, again we'll grill a turkey breast and eat at Rick's.

Do you watch "Barefoot Contessa"? Ina Garten has a friend, Miguel, whom she often asks to decorate her table. So lately, I've been "Miguel," bringing my turkey china to his house, along with the centerpiece and other table things! (Two versions of Thanksgiving at Rick's below!)

(I also bring stuffing, dessert and wine -- this year it's that Gewurztraminer I wrote about a couple of weeks ago! Highly recommended; $12.99)

So, I've been bringing up my Johnson Brothers turkey china from the basement. I remember driving to Canada with Mom and Dad to get this when I was maybe eight or so.

Continuing my gratitude attitude, I have to say I am so grateful to have Rick and the kids in my life -- the past 13 years have been ever so much richer for their part in it. They are my joy and happiness.

And I'm grateful for my sweet little Gypsy Rose, ace cat, blog inspiration and play pal. His purr, his playfulness, and his loving personality is truly a gift.

And, I'm grateful to my blog pals who visit, comment and offer support and inspiration. I'm coming up on my blogaversary next month (watch The Gypsy for a giveaway in December!). I'm especially grateful to Beth, Shelley and Rosemary whose blogs I visited long before I had my own and encouraged me to take that leap and fly.

I've made new friends from around the world -- and some just across the state! One day I hope to meet my blog pals in person. Till then, I remain grateful and happy that you are part of my life.

So, one more day! What's on your menu?


  1. I love the turkey plates! Lovely post. We have a lot to be grateful for! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

  2. I love the Barefoot Contessa, the dishes, and you and Rick! Have a lovely holiday, and blessings to all who visit your blog, too!


  3. Oh,,those Turkey plates are the bomb! I want some of those.
    I have a relaxing Thanksgiving on my plate and also a creative one too. Great post!

  4. Those plates are wonderful! I'm still looking for the Firestone Gewurztraminer -- for some reason Gewurzes are rare around here.

    Hope you have a fabulous day, and a relaxing & restorative holiday weekend -- I'm glad to have had the chance to meet you here!

  5. Our menu, is turkey, with whole cranberry sauce that is cooling, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, dressing and I like just some without a lot of stuff in it, sweet potatoes made from a Williamsburg, VA recipe, steamed green beans! And lots of groaning. Snacks? You're kidding right?

  6. I wish you still came to Cleveland for Thanksgiving! Have a great holiday...

  7. I have to say I love Peppermint Ice Cream, too!!! Happy Thanksgiving. Smoked turkey, corn casserole, sweet potato casserole, green garden salad, rolls, pumpkin pie, pecan pie and Milky Way Cake. And wine!!!!!!

  8. I have never grilled a turkey breast before. That sounds really good. I'll have to try it. Thanks for sharing your holiday!

  9. I missed a lot of commenting on your blog. Sorry, things were hectic for a while.

    Love the china. Looks like you had a lovely meal and the setting was beautiful.


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