The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, November 8, 2008

All About "R"

Today's Autumn Image is another from my RED (R is for Red) tree that I discovered while attending a meeting Thursday!

Janet at the Lavender Loft put up an interesting challenge.

When given a random letter, can you put up six things (or 10) related to you and to that letter. Things you love.

The letter she picked for me was R. That's a toughie...

Radio -- namely public radio! I love it all -- "Morning Edition," "All Things Considered," "Prairie Home Companion," "Splendid Table," and the music! (Here with PHC's Garrison Keillor)

Rock and Roll -- not the total head banging rock, but classic rock. As in, "I Like that Old Time Rock and Roll" (a Bob Seeger favorite!)

Rosemary -- one of my favorite herbs to grow, to smell and to dry. (And I'm also fond of my friend Rosemary, too!)

Relatives -- I love my family! They're fun, funny, creative, crazy, loyal, smart, divinely human and compassionate and caring to the max.

Reading -- I don't do it enough -- I've only read 14 books this year, and that's down from last year. But a couple have been long and meaty! (The Diana Chronicles were very good!)

Raffia -- I love it for wrapping things, using it in art, and using it for home decoration. And I love the natural as well as the colorful!

Reconciliation -- It's a wonderful word. And when it happens, it's beautiful.

Riccola -- My favorite cough and throat drop. Specifically, sugar-free lemon mint. If they weren't so expensive, I would have given them out for Halloween.
Redbirds -- OK, it's a stretch -- you all know I mean cardinals! But they're redbirds around here!

Rick -- Because I saved the best for last!

If you want a random letter -- post here and I'll pass one along!


  1. I'll take a vowel, please, good buddy.
    Great exercise for writers- and just plain fun!

  2. No letters for me, Jeanie. I have enough problems in my life! I just have to tell you, after viewing that last photo: you have such a beautiful and I am sure infectious smile!!
    It was a nice treat to see (along with your red tree) this dreary morning.

  3. I don't think "R" was too hard for you! You came up with some great ones. Reading would definitely be on my "R" list, too. And I like rock 'n' roll and just about everything else on your list!!

  4. I love all your Rs (of course). How fun!

  5. You DID do a very good job with the Rs. And where did you get the picture of your crazy relatives? And I have to agree with the other comment that you do have a beautiful smile - it lights up a room.

  6. Wonderful photos, Jeanie! Thanks for sharing them.

  7. I'm game for a random letter(if you want you can send it to my Is that you in the lime green sweater? Happy happies. Joyce

  8. I believe that the picture of your relatives was taken at Linda's bat mitzvah!

    I very much enjoyed your post!

  9. What a great list, and beautiful pictures! I'll give this one a try, if you still have some letters available...


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