The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Write on Wednesday: Dare to Dream

Today’s Autumn Image is Wah Wah Soo Drive, on Otsego Lake, near Gaylord, Michigan. It’s a spot I walk often in the summer, and where I “think” my writing and stories.
In today’s Write on Wednesday, Becca offers us a dare to write. “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?,” she asks, continuing to ask about our wildest writing dreams and what’s stopping us from achieving them.
I know what stops me. Creative ADD.

I love the writing, but I do it all day. I don’t always want to “work” again when I get home.

So, I do my art. The ATCs, journals, mixed media pieces.

I’ll go on a photo field trip and shoot whatever is drawing me. (I have a fondness for farm markets...
... and flowers!)

I’ll knit. I have projects stacked up and holidays impending. I’m knitting a lot these days.

I’ll cook and play with recipes. Gotta eat – and it’s fun to be creative in the kitchen.

I’ll work on the yard or see a friend or just go do something altogether different.

Sometimes, I write.

What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail? Maybe I’d do a better job pulling together my family book (cookbook, photos, stories). Maybe I’d even finish it. Maybe.

Telling my story, the family stories – that matter to me. Oh, sure. I would be wonderful if it was of such scope as Roots or so immediately personal as the autobiographies I enjoy. My life’s not that interesting, and posting what I do on The Marmelade Gypsy probably already extends everyone’s patience!

But as I tell people who share their grieving stories with me – in talking (or writing) about them, the people, animals, events continue to have a life. That’s why I want to do it. To continue a life.

And maybe – on a good day – I tell that story in the art or photos. And sometimes, I even add the words! (It's hard to tell, but the little girl on the left edge of the collage is my mom!)

Can I make my dreams come true? I think, yes. I think, every day. One word, photo or collage at a time.


  1. Oh yes you can!! I love your collage and your soup in the making!

  2. Love you
    Is that you in the photograph with the red hair?
    Love all you post.

  3. So many are as creative in your mental activities as in your painting or knitting or cooking or............
    And your pictures are always marvellous!
    I love reading biographies and I am very interested in other people`s life.......I wrote down my own youth for my children because I grew up in a rather rich but not warmhearted family and the first 20 years of my life were sometimes really terrible. So I wanted to write it down before I have forgotten everything or important details.
    My children asked me to do that and sometimes it was hard to remember while I was writing but I think,it is a good mirror of the 50ies , 60ies and 70ies.
    It was the late postwar period and then the 60ies economic boom in Germany, when my parent were only working (they were self-employed and built up a printing press) and enjoying their life. Everything was more important than the children......travelling.....going out...going for a meal.....having parties and so on. My mother travelled around the whole world and knew every country but she didn`t have a clue what their children were thinking, feeling, doing...and so on.
    When I was 14 years old she sent me to a boarding school, where I lived together with 180 other poor girls of any age. There I was 6 years and it was like being in prison.
    You see, I can tell a lot....

  4. It sounds like you have a creative pursuit for every mood -- how wonderful to enjoy such a range of interests! (And to possess the ability to indulge them all so beautifully.)

  5. Oh jeanie, I love your blog and the photos and the reminiscing and the markets and the yarn = all of it! And am relieved to hear you say what I feel often: after writing all day it's tough to come home and ... write some more! How cool that you have art! and of course, the camera. I can't draw. But thank goodness for cameras!

  6. It is hard to write all day and then come home and write some more! I know that only too well. I find myself going to the piano to relax a little bit and get my more artistic juices flowing. You're so lucky to have so many other creative outlets.

    That wooded lane looks gorgeous - isn't it beautiful here right now??

  7. Lovely journe via your photos! Loved your thoughts too!

  8. Yep,,you difinetly can! Great post. The collage is awesome and all of the pictures are great. I Love your art and your knitting! Still love the scarf you made me,my favorite color!


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