The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Antiquing in Canada!

Today's Autumn Image is also from Canada! This one is from a very English bakery at Niagara-on-the-Lake. I loved the juxtaposition of royalty with Halloween!

On Friday, after a rather lazy start, we headed to a nearby antique place. First off, it was charming with its ivy-covered walls and beautiful hollyhocks.

Inside, Suzanne, Jim and I poked around. Jim found a table and a book about the Queen he'd had in school.

I loved the beautiful furniture, lamps and couldnt' resist the lace curtains!

I found Dorothy Draper's book "Decorating Is Fun" (I'd read her book "Entertaining is Fun" last year, thanks to my friend Jane. As soon as I saw this one, I snatched it up!

I also found this Ritz cracker tin with two of my favorites, Fred and Ginger, dancing away!

I know this sounds silly, but some of my favorite moments were working with this pretty (and somewhat bedraggled and thin) stray cat hanging by Suzanne's house.

Does it surprise you that I bought them cat food as a "thank you for your hospitality" item? (This is actually pre-Fancy Feast purchase.)

We spent much of the weekend offering food and trying to break down her nerves. It'll be a slow-go, but I think she'll learn that Suzanne is definitely her friend!

I don't know where the time went, but it was soon time to prep for dinner -- ahi tuna at a restaurant in St. Catherine's called the Keg.

Then off to "Wonderful Town" (based on "My Sister Eileen"), with its musical score by Leonard Bernstein.

It was great fun, with lively musical numbers -- though we all agreed the sound system was a little loud and it was disconcerting hearing songs from the speakers and not the mouths of the singers!

Shaw Festival is really quite exceptional. The actors do quite a hefty season of plays and musicals, heavy and light. I'm also fascinated by the wonderful sets and costumes.

For those who love theatre and are near enough to get to Canada, I couldn't recommend it more highly.

Next time, we'll go back to Niagara-on-the-Lake for a longer visit, shopping, and visit a couple of yarn stores, including the charming Stitch!

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On a totally unrelated note, I promised Annie (In My Dreams) that I would alert people to her post regarding a walk for ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). You'll find more about her passion for this event (October 25) on her blog. It's a wonderful cause. Check it out.


  1. Lace curtains always seem so romantic with the way they soften and filter light. And the kitty is adorable. But what I really love is that jacket you're wearing! I think that would put me in a better mood just for putting it on! Looks like you had a wonderful weekend.

  2. Darling cat - hope your friend wins her over completely. Loved all the pictures. I'm so far behind in reading/commenting and will catch up here later. I remember you mentioning the Shaw FEstival - sounds wonderful. Yes! to those lace curtains (cool picture)

  3. Sounds like a wonderful trip. I love the kitty. What a sweet face and thankful looking. You're so sweet.

  4. Looks like abother great weekend, Jeanie. Love the sweet kitty! The lace curtains are great!

  5. Hello my gypsy friend. Kitty reminds me so much of our Paw Kitty, a feral cat we rescued when she was at the point of starvation. She stayed with us for ten years before going to kitty heaven. She was so dear.

    I noticed the "U" was gone in antiq es. I wonder where it went??? Loved the wispy lace curtain.

    Thank you so much for posting a notice about the fundraiser for the cure for ALS. I've reached 96% of my goal. Can't wait for the walk. It is in two weeks.


  6. Beautiful photos, especially the kitty cat! You have the bestest times, as someone in my family used to say! The antique store looks like my kind of place.

  7. My first Sondheim musical (I don't count West Side Story of Gypsy) was Company - I love his work. I'd love to go to Niagra on the Lake sometime.



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