The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Longing for something, but not knowing what.
Ready to feel alive and healthy again.
Longing to do things each day during my best times
And not having the energy to do them when the time is there.

I want to be funny, but it doesn't come.
Just tired.
And pensive.


  1. Beautiful picture!

    This bug that's going around, though, is a real bear. Traces of it are still lingering around here, more than two weeks later. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  2. Dear Jeanie, I hope this is just a season bug. Intermittent malaise is so draining. Rest. Breathe deeply. Choose a calming and thought-filled book. That and a cup of tea always helps me. Blessings, Annie

  3. Sometimes you need to just rest to get better and give yourself permission to do just that(which is often the hardest part for me). It's ok to take the time to take care of ourselves, but as women we often feel guilty for doing so. Why is that?

  4. Hope you're feeling better. My grandmother's remedy was to put a hat on a bedpost and drink hot toddies until you see two hats and then you feel better when you wake up.



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