The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, September 19, 2008

Of Friendship and Celebration -- and Welcome a New Blogger!

I’m very fortunate to have a beautiful circle of friends. Some go back decades. Some live far away. Some (many of you) I have never met face to face.

But every month or two, I revel in the company of good friends who gather for food, fun, solace, and joy.

The other night we met at one of our newest member’s lovely new home. Rhonda welcomed us with such warmth and hospitality, we were filled with happiness and delight.

Her garden gate served as a great venue for photos.

My friend Judy (seen here with her camera!) shot the one of me, as well as many others.

She also had the best image of the evening of Kitty, the co-host!

Everyone brought an appetizer, and the food was to die for.

Sharon brought a fabulous tiramisu!

And of course, there was plenty of glass-clinking as the eight of us went around the table offering a toast. (Though we were minus one big part of this group, we welcomed a new kindred spirit, Beth.)

This group is so very special. We all deal with communication, public relations, writing, media, and design in our jobs – the things that make us better communicators and able to work best with the public.

Jane has also added a new title to her resume: Joyworker. Jane teaches about the law of attraction – a second career she “attracted.” No one is better suited.

I can’t really write about the “project” that evolved during the evening, other than to say when you get a group of great women, soulful women, women with connections, women who care gathered around a table and begin to brainstorm about something that is troubling or challenging, the challenges become opportunities and the solutions – or ways to find the solution – seem never ending. I hope to update you about this at some point soon.

Let me simply say the synchronicities keep coming. Maybe that’s what a joyworker helps bring to the forefront!

So, here’s to friends, here’s to joy. Here’s to the family you’re not born into, but that you create for yourself.


Speaking of family not born into, sometimes the best new family members are added at a later date! Such was the case when my cousin David married the wonderful, witty, (and great cook!) Bonnie!

Bonnie has finally started a blog called MamaKsblog, and I want to encourage you to please visit, give her a comment, encouragement and – oh, yes – make sure you read her very funny post about water aerobics!

We all know blogs are works in progress, finding our voice, finding ways to make our blogs look the way we want (hey, I’ve been blogging for eight months and just added my sort-of banner!)

So, Bonnie, if there’s anything you want to ask – ask away!


  1. good morning jeanie. these sorts of celebration are just the best. i love getting together with my women friends. don, kris, and i are doing a visiting weekend ourselves this weekend. lots to say about it, i'm sure, next week. now i'm off to sa hello to MamaK.

  2. Oh, that looks like such fun! Love the photo of you, too.

    Now I must rush off to visit that new blog!! I'm still trying to catch up from my week away.

  3. This kind of gathering is absolutely necessary to the heart and soul. There is nothing more nourishing to both than a celebration of women friends old and new!
    Is that you, by the flowers? You with those amazing chiseled cheek bones?
    I will check out the new blog!!
    Are you feeling better now?

  4. Jeanie, this comment applies to your last 10 (count 'em!) posts. I'm hopelessly behind in blog reading, so forgive me. I just want to say I can always count on you to share beauty and humor — and make me hungry!


  5. A gathering of friends is almost a sacred ritual, something to be enjoyed, treasured and repeated. They are lucky to have you among them.



  6. It does indeed look like you have several great circles of friends and family to share your obvious joy in life with. That is a very special blessing.

  7. looks like you all had a really good time.
    wanted to stop by and invite you to join the seed exchange at my blog.
    hope you have a good week.

  8. Jeanie, First of all, I loved your photo-journal entry! And secondly, I am inspired by it. I've got to get my friens to the table - nothing fancy, just a social-supportive-solutions kind of thing. We all get so caught up in our work.
    You have hit on the ideal solution.

    Not sure I can get the table together beautifully like that, but that's ok. The thing is: getting everyone together.

    will let you know how it goes, thanks!

  9. Hi Jeanie! I know you gals must have had a great time! Your banner of GYPSY IS TOO COOL! One of my friends adotd oneof the most beautiful long haired orange cats! I was jealous..heh heh. The weather here has turned cooler and fall like! yippie!!!

  10. Great picture of YOU!!!!! Love it. Thank you for checking on me. We are surviving here...more of my friends get electricity each day!

  11. Oh, what a wonderful circle of friends you have. I have been trying to re-connect with my small circle of friends but something always happens and then we don't get together. It looks like you all had a great time!

  12. Love and hugs and smiles
    Love your visits and kind words.
    Love Jeanne

  13. What a wonderful celebration! And the photos are marvlous!

    Your friends sound like amazaing women...

  14. What fun! And you are such a beautiful lady! Great smile!
    This sort of gathering is just the type I love best. Dear friends like this are blessings.

    I am thrilled that you have included me in your blog roles! You are in mine as well!
    I look forward to us getting to know one another well! : )

    Enjoy your week!


  15. Aren't evenings with the girls just the best?


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