The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mail Call!

The other day I had GREAT mail call!

Years ago, my friend Nancy's mom sent me what I thought was her entire Fiesta collection, knowing I had a small collection started from antique shops and shows.

The other day, a rather LARGE box was on my porch with these beautiful pieces.

Two platters and two serving bowls! WOW! I love it! (I use Fiesta pretty much as my everyday dishes during this time of year, so it was extra super!) More on china in a post later this weekend...

Then there was a fabulous purple box, long and tall! It was from Beth D., who is in my ATC group!

Included was an embarrassment of riches including this gorgeous ATC holder she made using a collaged wooden block with twisted wire "holders." Here's a close-up of the base (but it was collaged on all sides).

Here's a better overview.
See the big card? That was my belated birthday card! (I'd wait for this with JOY!)

In and of itself, this was lovely and generous, but Beth also included some other items -- this necklace she made...

(and up close)...

And this enchanting bird! I am in the process of taking a lesson from Beth L. and Karla (you'll need to dig down a post or two to see how they redid Beth's studio). They hung a large birdcage as sort of a "bulletin" board or inspiration board. The bird will be going on mine, as soon as it is hung up this weekend!

It's been a fun week or two, but also a stressful one, work-wise and health-wise, so these were extra special and lovely! Thank you both!


  1. I've seen those cubes that Beth makes and they are wonderful! That girl is so talented. Love all your goodies!!

  2. You are being read in's just me sitting at a computer in Cortona. I love love love the soddered pendant and I must take a class too. My earlier foil wrapped ones with beveled glass are fun but I really want to learn to sodder correctly. Jane and Dick have arrived a little earlier in Cortona due to a train strike. I haven't seen them yet but am headed to town soon.
    Ciao bella!

  3. lovely gifts.
    not only the thoughtfulness, but the art.

  4. What a great post! And a belated Happy Birthday. Beautiful presents for you.
    I don't know Jane - but Cortona sounds great. Different Jane from Dick and Jane of FBC fame?

  5. unexpected mail treats are always fun and you have some great treasures here.


  6. I love the bright dishes! Isn't Beth so creative! What a wonderful gift.

  7. Thanks for sharing your INSPIRING Goodies!!!! What an AWESOME idea for displaying ATCs (I wish I had thought of it, but glad I found it here!) The pendant is just lovely. What great friends you have sending you art and Fiesta in the mail!

  8. Beth is wonderfully talented! You lucky girl!!

  9. Jeanie, I am in have with all your pretty dishes. I always thought it would be fun to have a china set with a different place setting at each place. I never pursued the idea though. However, I STILL have a pulse so I will have to add this to my dream list.

  10. oh that is a sweet box of birthday gifts! you are special though my dear. it probably was an easy gift to want to give :) that really is one beautiful card!

  11. Lots of loveliness! I really like the photo cube and the charm, too. I've yet to get up the nerve to solder. Have all the stuff to do it, but just haven't yet. Beth does make beautiful art!


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