The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wine a Bit, You'll Feel Better!

What could be nicer than sampling spicy wines on a summer’s day?

Our wine group gathered to try two types of spicy wines – white Gerwurztraminer and red Syrah or Shiraz!

We tried six wines, three of each.

Fortunately we had bread, cheese and crackers in-between – and Pat brings the BEST breads and cheeses! My favorite wines were the two by Chauteau St. Michelle …(and let me add here that these photos are blurry because I was shooting fast and not because of too much wine!)

My favorite was the Gerwurztraminer, which should be used one to five years after it is bottled and was deliciously crisp and spicy. It's from Washington's Columbia Valley, 2006 and cost $9.00 -- a great price and the least expensive we tried. (We didn't know the cost till after we tasted!)

The Chateau Ste. Michelle 2002 Syrah was $11.00, and tied for the least expensive red. I really enjoyed the flavor of this one. (I didn't bond with the one that smelled like smoked sausage and spilled on my light pants!)

Comments for all ran from "This is my favorite!" (Barb, after tasting the Chateau Gerwurtzaiminer -- the first wine we tried!) to "It's stinky" and "If you drink a lot of it, it gets better." -- this, about the most expensive of the lot!).

And there were plenty of laughs in-between!

The afternoon was special in that it included a ride on Lansing’s Grand River! Our hosts Roger and Meredith live on the river and Captain Roger took us out on his boat!

It was fun for all of us to see a river we only see by the road from a different point of view!

We saw lovely homes, beautiful views, and even a heron, which doesn’t show up too well in this photo, but what the heck!

We did sample a bit of wine on board...

I'm smiling here, but my buff-colored jeans will never be the same. I may have to try dying with wine as a new craft project.

Then after, the feast! We all contributed to the dinner – a pork roast, a zucchini casserole by Anne made from garden veggies, my orzo salad, and this glorious birthday cake by Barb for wine
expert Dick and me, who both have August birthdays!

Anne and Barb brought veggies to take home and Meredith’s beautiful centerpiece included party favors – terrific chocolates and a wine charm!

And as they say, “a good time was had by all!”


  1. Wine! Yum! Sounds like a great time. Chateau Ste Michelle is a great label.

  2. That's a great sign!! Before my tummy got so cantankerous I liked Gerwurztraminer but now it's mostly just plain water for me!

    How did I miss your birthday?? Happy (very late) Birthday!!

  3. I'm not much of a wine drinker, but you guys look like you were having fun!

  4. Cheers!!!! The wine looks as wonderful as you do on the the way, I visited the real Chateau Ste is absolutely great apart from the mass of tourists.....but very old and historical....
    I love all the last pictures....when I don`t visit your blog two days, a lot of new great pictures are awaiting me.
    I love the photos of the The Great Lakes Folk Festival, have noticed the second week in August next year....*lol*.....and I agree with you, my favourite would be "The Mamadou Djibate", too.
    I am a fan of music like this and I know his style of music without listening to him....great.....
    best wishes,

  5. Likely story about the blurry pictures! The food looks yummy! How great that you have a group of friends to share your interests with and have fun at the same time.

  6. I sure wish I could drink wine. I always feel left out. Pout. How fun! Love the river shots!! xo

  7. HI,

    I glided in in ur blogsite and I really love all ur post.

    Belated happy BDAY to you...Enjoy THE W/END.

    Greetings from Stockholm.


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