The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Saturday, August 9, 2008

V6 – Another Mountain to Climb

Grandfather Mountain is an enormous mountain, that when viewed at the right angle resembles a sleeping man. At its peak, it’s more than a mile high.

It's known for its swinging suspension bridge.
OK, so I didn’t get on the ladder when I painted the kitchen and would clutch a bit when looking over Skip and Kathy’s balcony. I had to go! And I loved it!

Once again, I confronted my nervousness and the altitude for glorious views of the area.
Taking the first step on the suspension bridge was pretty challenging, but it felt quite secure and once I got going, it was fine.

Walking over this bridge really was an important thing for me to do. It DID swing a bit (not much, though) and I DID look down, because I figured that was important to do. (Having said that, I didn't look down too often... just out!)

Rick and Skip went higher. I did a bit, but not as much as they did!

The mountain has a glorious natural habitat area, where we saw the eagle…

The bear (Skip got him to sit up!)…
And the cougar.

The museum was equally fascinating, explaining the history and geology of the region.

Back home to a farewell dinner and another game of dominoes.

The following day, we hit the road for home – and 13 hours later arrived to a happy little marmalade Gypsy. (Thanks, Claudia and Kate, for checking in on the orange-boy!)

The pleasure of the holiday was multiple for me. A desperately needed vacation with lots of downtime; good friends; family; new experiences; beautiful countryside. It was especially wonderful to get to know Rick’s family outside of a wedding or reunion when there are lots of people around. My thanks to all who were a part of it!

(This is the last of the V-posts -- anyone commenting on any of the vacation posts marked “V” (this is “V6”) might be chosen to receive my vacation souvenir packet with items from West Virginia, Myrtle Beach, and Banner Elk, North Carolina!). I’ll draw and announce soon!

It includes small shells picked up by me on Myrtle Beach (not pictured), rustic color pencils, some playing cards from the beach, some mini-flipflops that y ou can use as an ornament or embellishment, a packet of folk-art notecards, a lovely quilt card and of course the obligatory souvenir postcards!


  1. Great photos! That swinging bridge looks scary - I'm afraid of heights!

  2. You have been having some great adventures! Thanks for taking us along- and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!


  3. Oh big cheers and thumbs up for walking that bridge! I don't know if I could have done it.

  4. Beautiful! Just beautiful! I love it!

  5. Hi there Girlie, just a note to let you know you won the medium doll head on my blog giveaway! Send me your snail mail address and I will send it off to you!
    My Best
    Sandra Evertson

  6. OH, you were brave on that bridge. I just can't do swinging bridges no matter how beautiful it is looking out on them. I love the pictures and you looked so happy and relaxed in them. So glad you had such a wonderful time. Happy Late Birthday my dear friend!

  7. Jeanie, now I know you are one crazy brave woman! There is no way I could have gotten on that bridge. Don't have many fears, but heights are the main one! To be up there and then taking wonderful photos at the same time is amazing! I so enjoyed seeing your trip. Hope you had a happy birthday!

  8. Hope you had a great Birthday!!!

  9. You are much braver than I am! I actually got a little queasy just reading about you walking out on that bridge....I'm not kidding!! I don't do open heights very, make that I don't do them at all!

  10. Happy Birthday to you.....Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday dear Jeanie....Happy Birthday to you!!!
    My birthday- present- letter hasn`t arrived yet but perhaps this week otherwise at the beginning of next week.
    When I see this bridge I feel head is swimmimg when I climb a stair or a ladder.....I am absolutly not allowed to look down then....
    You are very heart would have sunk into my sandales.....
    best wishes and all the best for your birthday

  11. your birthday! your birthday! happy day to you dear girlie!! :) XO i either wasn't paying attention and i am so sorry for that:( or i didn't know. in either case i am there in spirit to say you are such a good and sweet and kind and BRAVE person. it is so important to do theses kinds of things..overcoming fear isn't it? because it is fear not actual danger. i like that you just said 'go girl.' and went. the view is truly beautiful from where you stood! a wondrous gift for stepping out of your comfort zone. it represents much at any age but at our age it is really great to stretch more and my humble opinion anyway :)

    p.s. you lucky ducky for winning one of sandra's doll heads! i know you will make something wonderful!

  12. I get dizzy just looking at those first few photos. I once tried to cross a swinging bridge at Lookout Mountain in GA, had to back up and get off that thing. Thank goodness there was no one behind me. Garsh! The views are gorgeous as is the wildlife. Wow!


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