The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, August 22, 2008



Summer is winding down, and we’re looking at the last hurrah!

I’m looking forward to dealing with some UFOs (unfinished objects!) at the lake – I just pulled up the extended weather forecast and its mostly sunny and 70s!

I had to share some beautiful packaging with you! I was the lucky winner of Sandra Everston’s drawing and the other day this precious bisque (I think) doll head arrived!

She was packed carefully in deckle-edged paper bits from a French dictionary.

The box had lovely papers – stripes, dictionary, collaged – on all sides! I told Sandra the packaging was as lovely as the prize! Thank you!

Also thanks for the many kind comments about my aunt, Iris, both on-blog and off. They are so very much appreciated!

I just noticed my August calendar page, which includes quotes by Thich Nhat Hanh with some lovely illustrations featured an illustration of an iris.

I leave you with the quote for the month:

Breathing in
I dwell in the present moment.
Breathing out,
I feel it is a wonderful moment

Wishing you many wonderful moments this weekend.


  1. Such a lovely post! Hope your weekend is blissful. xo

  2. You are a blog posting maniac...I always feel that I'm posts behind when I'm reading through yours and I need to catch up....

    ok...breathing breathing....I think I'm there !!!

    Have a great weekend!!!!

  3. This post was a deep breath. Relaxing.
    Lovely photos throughout your blog - Thanks for having something so pleasant for me to look at!!

  4. Beautiful post. Love the poem.

  5. hope you have a lovely week. the surprise package you received is very nice..I know you'll create something lovely with that doll face.

  6. What a lovely quote of the month... and the pics as ever are amazing x


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