The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Operation Successful -- Thank you for Your Prayers!

Well, it's been a long couple of days, but Greg's surgery was successful -- thyroid and nodes removed. And to all of you, I say "thank you" for all your good thoughts, prayers, and wishes. I printed out many of the blog entries and e-mails you have sent over the past few days, and it was comfort to look at those while waiting yesterday. (This is my one of my favorite vintage cards -- the cat looks much like the late, great Stimpy and those of you who may have received a get well ATC from me might recognize it!)

From start to finish we were there about 14 or 15 hours yesterday. (We saw the Tour de France two and a half times before we passed on another view.)

(Shelley, did you post this graphic to share? I hope I'm crediting it correctly!)

Greg's mom took the overnight shift. We went back this morning and the difference was astounding. The pain was better managed and Greg was able to eat. (Last night was a challenge -- between terrible swallowing pain and wanting to eat things he wasn't allowed, it was pretty tough.) In fact, today he ate quite a bit and was later given full food privileges. He's up and walking a bit, and while I think he'll probably crash out soon, was doing well when we left.

Greg is rather proud (or at least intrigued by) the fact that he looks rather like Frankenstein with a deep slash that goes between half and two thirds around his neck and dips down to about his collarbone. He also treasures the photo he requested of his thyroid. I can understand this. I'm still mad I didn't ask for pix of my fibroid last year. Pictures of other peoples' in books just aren't the same as your personal parts. I think he's anticipating Halloween, although we'd rather he have purchased a rather less painful and permanent costume.

Meanwhile, I finished off a purse (ready to felt), an easy mystery ("Shamus in the Green Room," by Susan Kandell, part of her series about a woman who writes mysteries about dead mystery writers and gets involved in her own messes), and plenty of other bits and pieces.

So, when we left today, I headed to the office to thank you all on my blog and to answer a few e-mails; Rick hit the road for a 60-mile-bike ride (or maybe only 40 tonight) and later I'll settle in for the last episode of "Inspector Lewis" on "Masterpiece Mystery!" Greg's in good hands with his mom, and his friend Kate is also there. He'll come home tomorrow.

He'll soon be back drawing. I made him an art journal (I'll post pix later) and he is also eager to do some more chalkboards. You can see the boards he's done at his brand new blog. (Don't look for frequent updates!)

I may or may not be able to be back on blog for a bit, or check others' but will check in with you soon. Meanwhile, thank you so much, once again, for being such a grand support system. I treasure your messages.


  1. Wonderful!!! This is such great news. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers all week.

    Tell Greg that I had fun with my bloody scar. One small child saw me walking down the hall (I was encouraged to walk by my doctor) and he saw my side to side next slash and got big-eyed over it. I laughed and told the boy I had a head transplant and this is the best one they had. He looked at me for a second, laughed with me and said. "COOL!!!!" And went running off.

    I was going to pick up the phone and call, but I realized that I only had your work number!!

    Hugs to you and give my best to Rick and Greg!!

  2. That is the best news!! I'm so happy for all of you and I'm sure Greg will be home soon and back to his everyday routines.

    I took a peek at his chalkborads and they're fantastic!!

  3. This is wonderful news! Going to check out his chalkboards now!

  4. Jeanie, I have fallen behind on reading blog posts, and I didn't even know this was happening. I'm so glad to read that everything went well. I will pray for Greg's full recovery.


  5. I'm sorry I didn't know about this beforehand...but I will be praying for Greg's recovery.

  6. That is great! I am so glad he is doing so well. I will keep him in my prayers for a full recovery. Love his chalkboard art. Wow!

    The cat is so cute!

  7. so glad that the operation was a success. wishing all of you the absolute best Jeannie. my prayers are with you all.
    by the way..tell Greg to keep creating! his boards are great!
    my sincere apologies for not having been by to visit lately..I have been out of the blog visiting loop for a little while and need to visit with you more frequently.I'm so very sorry that I had been slack on visiting

  8. Wonderful news! I hope his recovery continues well -- thanks, too for the link to his artwork.

  9. I'm glad to hear that your husband is better.

    BTW, where did you get that gorgeous picture of the young girl praying? The image is stunning!


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