The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Off Blog, On the Beach!

I am off-blog and on the beach!

I'll be back in early August and will try to check blogs (no guarantees) but probably not posting for a bit!

I'll miss you all!


  1. We will miss you too! Have fun!

  2. Oh, that looks so beautiful....and relaxing. Have fun and we'll see you when you return.

  3. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  4. oh you lucky beach babe....I wish I had sand between my toes right this minute !!!

    you'll be missed until you get back...make sure and let us know when you are up and blogging again !!!

  5. You will NOT miss us! LOL We'll miss you, though and be highly envious!

  6. Hope you are having a fab time!

  7. you know i miss you but i am sooo glad you are poking your toes in the sand!

  8. Hi Jeanie,
    my thoughts are with you....can you see them jumping and flying up and down the beach....I would prefer my thoughts were at home and I would jump up and down the beach.....*lol*....
    By the do the same as me...when I go to town or on a short trip or somewhere else I alwyas take my camera with me and very often I find myself looking for a good snapshot....
    Since the time I do this I love going to town...on a short trip or somewhere else...*lol*....
    Can`t wait to have you back!!!

  9. Jeanie you deserve your time at the beach. Have fun, I will look forward to reading your blog when you are back on. I too am not doing the blog as much as I am on my annual 6 week holiday in Spain - absolute heaven. I look at the sea and the mountains from my piece of heaven on earth xxxx


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