The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Marmelade Gypsy Goes on Vacation

And, as you can see, he didn’t much like the ride north, though things leveled out pretty easily after a bit!
Here are a few “postcards” of some of my favorite moments – I’ll include more about some of these later in the week, but will be running to catch up at work!

The first sunset.
Sunset and twilight can also be lovely in the woods.

I was rather fond of the neighbor’s pink Adirondack chairs!

My duck family. This family we think nests near our cottage. We would see Mum and the ducks every day.
Often, they would sit on the same spot on the beach and take a nap in the sun. Mummy-duck would stand guard.

She was very gracious about letting me get rather close for photos!

But finally, she headed into the water…

… her babies close behind!

I was very fond of the fresh fruit, including the delicious Michigan sweet cherries! (This photo is a tribute to Robin Bird who really took the most splendid photo of her Washington cherries. Mine can’t compete!)

The last of the strawberries were unbelievably sweet.

I also enjoyed a visit to Stonehedge Fiber Farm for some yarn buying and a tour. More on this one later in the week.

And of course I had to make a stop at an antique shop -- no purchases, but lots of lovely things!

That road trip also included a stop at the herb farm, in full flower.

One of the highlights was our canoe trip down the Au Sable River. More on this one later, too!

And, I enjoyed a reunion with two cousins – Jack from Cadillac and David from Cleveland.

Rick made his unbelievable pasta with carmelized red onions, wine and fresh herbs, and we also enjoyed good grilling!

It was glorious to eat dinner on the porch, checking out the lake at twilight. (We ate late.) On the table are my scented geraniums, rosemary and basil from the herb farm.

Rick managed two very long (115 miles, 85 miles) bike rides, and if the weather hadn’t been a bit dicey Sunday would have added to that total. You can see the crystallized sweat on his face!
(Don't worry -- I won't post photos of my bloody foot during the canoe trip!)

And the Gypsy? Well, you can see, he was enjoying “The Somerset Life!” (See articles by and/or beautiful images from Sandra Everston, Karla’s Cottage and Karla from SugarBear Designs in the current issue.)

Re-entry is hard.


  1. I enjoyed this post and the previous one so much! It's fun to see another part of the country, especially one I've never visited, even if it is just in photos. Those ducklings were precious. The whole trip looked delightful.

  2. It looks splendid. The cats sure don't like the journey but once they're there, it's fantastic! Well, I guess we are the same. At least me. I just WANT TO GE THERE! Gyp looks happy surrounded with some fun reads. Glad you're able to get away for a bit. Enjoy. xo

  3. It looks like you had a wonderful little mini vacation. The pictures were awesome. I can't wait to see more of them. But now I am wondering about the bloody foot? Are you ok?

  4. Just reading this I feel relaxed....canoing....enjoying all sounds like a great summer trip! And oh the duck family!!! how cute!
    I look forward to more about your adventure!

  5. I swear, it looks just like you were at my parents lake place- the view of the lake the adirondack chairs, the lawn and then the sand, the dock, the boat upside down- but I know you weren't visiting my mom and dad, because they would never have PINK chairs- too splashy for conservative northerners!

  6. I loved this mini-vacation :) It felt like I was tagging along with you!

    I glad you had some time to relax after everything you all have been through lately.

  7. Beautiful photographs and I am so glad you had a good time.
    Your cat is happy now I imagine being back at home.
    Love Jeanne

  8. I so want to go on vacation. The price of gas keeps me home. Your artist and photography friend in Santa Fe invited me to her showing on the 4th, and I wanted to go too. Sigh. Your vacation looks lovely.

    I LOVE that pot of nasturtiums! One of my favs.

    Hope Greg is doing well.


  9. Oh, I'm envious! Enjoyed seeing your pictures, though. Looks like you had a wonderful time! We are hoping to get away in the camper at the end of the month, if my schedule at work will permit. Still not sure about how that is all going to work out. If not, I can live vicariously through your adventures!

  10. what great, happy photos....I loved them all !!!!

    what a great time you must have had or are still having....

    and now how about the bloody foot...we can take it !!!!

    {and no, not my couch...a flickr favorite}

  11. Hi-
    Good to hear from you. This is a wonderful post! I didn't know about the fiber place in East Jordan. I will have to check that out. I could relate to the cat in the carrier photo. We have two cats, one who is a very good rider and the other not so much. We canoe on the Big Sable at Ludington State park. I love canoing except the getting in and dismount. I usually make a mess of that but provide entertainment for anyone watching. Great duck photos too!

  12. I am so glad that you had a great time is sometimes necessary to get away for a little while to recharge the batteries so to speak.

  13. Awwww, love that your cat can read too! Glad you had so much fun. Great memories. And fun pics.

  14. Glad to see you and Rick have a much-needed, healing time away.

    See you soon!



  15. those are some stellar photos of the landscape!! i love the sunset and of course those babies were my absolute favorite!!! sooo sweet. you must have wished you could cuddle up right there in the midst of that bundle of fur balls. how cozy would that be?!
    the food sounds scrumptious too! i knew rick was a good cook but you make him sound like the kings head chef! i adore carmelized onions...


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