The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Show and Tell Sunday: Flea Market Finds!

Favorite Flea Market Find is the Trash to Treasure topic for this week.

It's between my $1.29 Goodwill starfish in glass and my $35 quilt.

The starfish came about this weekend with a stop at Goodwill up north. Nothing fancy, but I love starfish and this was a good "lake thing."

The quilt came from a shop in Michigan years ago. It's not terribly old, judging from the thread, but probably 1960s. Tons of piecing. Machine stitching but very nice and even, unstained (or relatively so) and in good shape!
I collect old quilts. This one is on the cottage guest room bed, waiting for a visitor!

For more flea market finds, visit Heidi's blog and check out the complete list of links!


  1. that looks so much like the quilt my gandma made when I was little! I used it on my bed, and loved to look at the individual flowers and all the colors she used.

  2. Wow, those are some fabulous trash to treasure items. I am impressed! Susan

  3. Love your little treasures. I love anything from the sea and the quilt is sweet. I enjoyed reading your latest post. I have always been a closet writer. I have thrown many a journals away but I have just started posting a little sneak peek of my writing on my blog. It's fun to share.


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