The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A "Special" Day

Today I flew out of the office for a few minutes to catch a special performance.

Rick was playing classical guitar for those attending the Eric RicStar Winter Music Therapy Camp.
Rick did two performances, about 15 minutes each, playing several classical pieces and explaining a bit about them.

The group I visited had about 20 people listening.

The camp is for all ages, but there are many children and teens. It was founded by my friends Judy and Dick Winter, after their son, my little buddy Eric, died several years ago. Eric loved music and had participated in the Music Therapy program at MSU's Community Music School.

Eric, courtesy Judy Winter/Lifetouch

Kids attend camp from several states and Canada. They play instruments, have movement, sing and the therapy dogs are a huge hit.

FYI, my longtime buddy Judy is also the author of Breakthrough Parenting for Children with Special Needs, which is an excellent book for any parent (special needs or not) or teacher, caregiver or practioner who works with children with special needs. She addresses many topics in her book, and it's a well-written read. You can visit her website here or anytime on my Sites I Like links. Her blog is listed as "Winter Ramblings" in the blog links.


  1. What a great program. Looks like everyone had a good time!

  2. Your hubby must be a really cool guy!

  3. What a wonderful program. I know music can bring many wonderful feeling and healing for so many different people. I would Love to hear Rick play the guitar, I am sure he is amazing!

  4. The program is great, music always goes through our hearts!!!
    Unfortunately we are not able to listen to Rick playing the guitar at our computers, but the main thing is that the children are happy!!
    Thank you for showing us and best wishes to everybody in this wonderful and helpful camp! I will have a look at Judy`s website and her blog.

  5. Well, I didn't know Ric played guitar. He's a very talented guy, isn't he! Music speaks to souls.

  6. How wonderful to be a part of such a great program, it is wonderful to see all those children enjoying the music xxx

  7. you are a sweet fan of his i see! this is a great post and one worthy of your generous heart.

  8. Oh, how wonderful! My 12 year old son plays by ear. He's so gifted. He loves electric and acoustic guitar so much. He needs to work on some technique, but he just shines when he's playing. Mr. Fix It (my husband) plays too, but Zach surpassed him in a few short months!!! Those fast little fingers! Awwww, the gift of music. I think it's wonderful. Love the picture of Rick.


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