The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Marmelade Gypsy Contemplates His Ancestors -- and Life on "The Farm"

Well, there you have it -- Mr. Gyps, eyeing Chick A. Dee and wondering what his ancestors would have done.

No doubt, they would have flown through the screen with their enormous brown paws, swatted the feeder and enjoyed a tasty hors d'oeuvre.

Alas, The Marmalade Gypsy must settle for Fancy Feast, Science Diet and an occasional Pounce.

Ancestors had it good, he thinks. It's always greener...

Speaking of green, my "Farm"... doing rather well!

The lettuce is nearing the end of its cycle and it's mighty sweet and tasty.

I have enough basil for pesto this weekend.

The peppers are sprouting and I have some wee green tomatoes promising to plump up by July or August.

The sweet peas are continually cut and brought into the house.

And the geraniums are full of face and very cheerful.

When I brush by the lavender, I enjoy a glorious fragrance. Perhaps I'll try some lavender wands this weekend!

Enjoy your weekend -- Public TV Pick of the Week coming tomorrow or Sunday!


  1. I'm sure the Gypsy would be a great hunter! Your garden is looking much better than ours! Nothing near to harvesting yet here. Of course, we planted seeds so we're having to wait. You're reminding me that I need to get some more herbs going. I've got rosemary, thyme, garlic chives, and lemon balm growing behind the house, but haven't planted anything new in a couple of years.

    I've always wanted sweet peas, but no luck with them. Maybe it's too hot for them here?

    Thanks for sharing your pictures1

  2. Your container garden is wonderful. Kitty has the right instincts but still knows he is well fed on this side of the window.

  3. god i love that!! life on the farm..tee hee hee... you are certainly farther along in your harvest than i am out here in the wild woods of oregon!
    did you think that maybe mr gyp is looking at the little chick and thinking they could be friends if only his mom would trust him..... better not risk it i guess. your little bird house is adorable. if i wee a bird i would move right in!

  4. I enjoyed the garden photos (I don't have a green thumb). Have you considered the thought that gypsy is sitting there thinking his ancestors had to work too hard for their food when all he has to do is look cute for his?


  5. I love your garden pictures, I could just cook a nice Italian meal (I love the Italian cooking) with all your peppers and basil for tomatoes with olive oil and Mozarella....hmm...
    best wishes

  6. I could see they Great Gypsy catching a few choicy meals if she ever got a chance.
    Wow your flowers are looking amazing. You get more rain than us we just got a little bit sunday morning. I Love sweet peas too but it is too hot for them down here. They don't like the heat and humidity here.
    Are you headed to the cabin for the Fourth?

  7. I love it....the bird and cat in the same photo seperated by a sheet of glass and tons of anxiety....too cute !

  8. Your flowers look fantastic. I really need to water my flowers. It was supposed to rain over the weekend and it never did. Your Gypsy and my Saber would get along great. She loves looking out the windows and talking to the birds! :)

    Well.. I am off to water my thirsty flowers.

  9. Oh, poor Mr. Gyps! So close and yet so far away! I enjoyed all your photos. Pesto - yum!


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