The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Monday, June 2, 2008


There is much to celebrate today!

First, join me in wishing a happy birthday to blogging buddy Robin Bird of Bird Tweets!

Her blog is a fun mix of recipes, gorgeous photos and great humor! Stop by wish good wishes!

On Saturday my friend Gina came to visit -- we're almost like twins -- born a day apart, nine years apart. We share the craft gene!

So, it had been a mighty long time! It was hard to stop talking, but we managed to do so long enough to celebrate belated holidays -- definitely Christmas, maybe birthday too -- who knows. It was just fun!
So, I had to share a couple of my favorites, beginning with the big Laurel Burch bag she put them in! Here's a close-up of the pattern!

Then these wonderful stitchmarkers she made (a fellow knitter!) using glass beads she made!

(And packaged in this cute little Laurel box!)

Then there was an array of creative materials.

Take a look at this card stock...

12x12, solid color both sides, but when you tear it, the tear is a coordinated color.

You can also distress it. Catch the linen pattern that comes through with the paler coordinate!

I loved the swatch book and paper pieces.

Rub ons, stickers, shiny paper, a decorative edging punch, postits, you name it!

And this pretty little drawstring bag she got in Korea!

I was the luckiest recipient in the world, mostly because it was from my friend!


  1. What cool stuff to have to remind you of a wonderful visit.


  2. awwww...aren't you a sweet friend jeanie :) you were the first person to offer up a happy birthday this morning... so nice of you to remember :) and to do it publicly on your blog is extra sweet! so this looks like such a great haul of goodies! i sooo know what you mean about the old friendship thing. someone who can finish your sentences for you and you her :)

  3. The pictures are great, so many interesting things....I love the cat...

  4. Looks like you have a friend who really knows you. What a special thing that is.

  5. What need cardstock. I'm fascinated with it. You'll have fun with that!

  6. What fun goodies! And those stitch markers are fabulous - the glass beads - wow!

  7. Awesome goodies and they're even better coming from such a wonderful friend!!! Have fun!

  8. For all the bloggers who have never met Jeanie, she's a super person and a great friend! It's a pleasure to share my addiction to crafts with her :-)

  9. Cool stuff- especially those stitch markers- much more inspiring than the plastic rings I've been using!


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