The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Take a Mini-Vacation

Take a mini-vacation! My friend Jane Rosemont has posted a slide show of her stay in New Mexico. She's there for a few months with a couple of gallery shows in Santa Fe and Madrid.

By the way, I believe there are still openings to the workshop Jane is teaching in Cortona, Italy, this September. Visit her website for details on photographing Tuscany!

My panels for Beth and Karla's Birds and Bonnet swap are in the mail!

Here are a few of my favorites!


  1. Love your panels. I have 6 out of 8 done. I know what I'm doing for the 7th---gotta get out the ole watercolors. Hope I get one of yours!!! Beautiful. How I'd love to take a mini vacation!!!

  2. your panels turned put gorgeous!!

  3. the panels are beautiful! the soft colors are very nice...soothing. such a wonderful sense of collaboration to do this with other women.
    your friend, bird tweet robin from down the road

  4. gosh I love birds !!!
    and these panels are FABULOUS !

  5. These are looking so pretty, I can't wait to see them in person!

  6. love the cards. stopping by to say "hi" and to catch up on my blog visiting. hope you have a terrific week.

  7. Thanks for stopping by. I'd love for you to put my link on your blog. I am sorry to say I didn't even think to ask you if I could put yours on mine... So if you don't want me to I will take it off. :)

    Love the birds and pansies (from a previous post). The stamping technique is really neat too. Looks like so much fun.

  8. Birds and bonnets???? That is a fabulous idea!!!!! Your panels are completely and totally gorgeous!!! I am in love with them and this idea!!! I will have to do something like this sometime!


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