The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, May 2, 2008

My Life in Six Words

Dawn of My Thoughts by Dawn tagged me with this unique challenge – one that was harder for me to do than one might think.

The task: Write and illustrate a six-word memoir.

Now, I adored 25 and 30 page term papers and loathed having to be so concise as to write one in only five or six pages! Even now, I write copiously for our magazine and then gleefully cut dozens – sometimes hundreds – of lines of copy! So six words???

Here we go…

I love deeply. I live joyfully.

It says it all!

Here are a few of the things I love deeply – and because of them, I live joyfully!

My guys -- several years ago...

Mom and Dad --1950...

My family -- the Cousins with Rick and Me...

The Marmelade Gypsy (aka Mr. Gypsy Rose)...

The Late, Great Mr. Stimpy...

My amazing friends (and there are far more than just in this photo, old and new, online and off!)...

The Cottage...

Long walks up north at Otsego Lake...

Otsego Lake at Sunset (or anytime; photo by my cousin David!)...

Making art on the porch at the lake (or anywhere, for that matter)...

Mackinac Island...

Rick playing Guitar...

Holidays and decorating for them...
Entertaining -- anytime!...

Yarn and knitting...

Sheep (because without them, no yarn; no knitting!)

MSU's campus in spring...

Flowers -- anytime, anyplace, any arrangement!...

El Azteco's topopo salad...
Sushi (even better when it's in Japan!)...

Wine and my wine tasting pals...

Myrtle Beach...

And there's so much more, but you've been so gracious to stay with me!
I have to tag several folks – I know you are all busy, but I hope you’ll put this task into your blogging queue. It really does make you think – how do I put what I am in the fewest words possible?

So, I’m tagging:
Shelley (also check out her second digital art blog!)
Dr. Bird
Beth D
Jane F.

I won’t put a deadline on it, but do try! All you have to do next is write your memoir, tag a few folks and leave a comment on their tagged blogs, inviting them to post and illustrate their six-word memoir. Also, include in your post, a link to me!


  1. Absolutely wonderful memoir, brilliant and love all the images to go with your memoir. Love the fact that we made a connection via bloglandia, Thanks for always dropping by, wish I had your e mail sometimes to e mail privately
    take care
    hugs Dawn

  2. Oh dear. That's is tougher than you think! xo

  3. What a great 6 words! Love all the photos. The cottage is great and a nice example of Michigan (my husband is from MI).

    I'm glad you stopped by. I enjoy your blog too and will definitely continue to visit.

    Love your orange tabbies. Sorry about Mr. Stimpy. Animals have a special way of working their way into our hearts. I originally just took Saber in to find her a home. I found her a home alright!

  4. Beautiful photos that you took!! Thanks for the insight into your life!


  5. I love your memoir words. Great ones to remember. Also, your enjoyed your pictures that went along with it.

  6. GREAT poem and FABUlOUS pictures !

  7. Loved the memoir, loved the photos.


  8. What a beautiful post - the sentiment and the gorgeous photos of wonderful people and good things! Hard to top that. xo

  9. in all honesty i was dreading this moment. i read your comment on my blog and thought "oh no. I couldn't possibly do anything that requires me to think, focus, feel or reveal myself right now. so i waited...and i waited.. and i didn't even come over to see what i was tagged for until 5 days passed. i knew i would eventually look because i value your friendship. i love what you have said and i can see in the short time i have visited you here that you do in fact seem to live your life in this way. your passion for your art, your friendships, enthusiasm for experiencing life all come through in your blogging. i will do my best to construct a vision of my life in 6 words. yes and i do notice it is 6 words not pages... drat.
    thank you jeanie


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