The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, April 11, 2008

Off to Artiscape!

I'm excited -- soon we'll be hitting the road for Artiscape!

Here's my collage for the silent auction. The theme is Casablanca (movie or area -- I picked the movie!)

It's 8x10 on canvas. Bottom surface was lumiere's (though most of that was covered!) I also used wallpaper and some scrap papers for the base.

Artiscape sent us a collection of collage elements we could use if we liked. They were all paper things -- script pages, photos, stamps, tags...

(Detail left side; I used rusted stars, added a tag to the hotel label, a metal frame and the roses.)

Here's detail of the right side. I had the terracotta piece and also added the flower and wire. The square is a bit of a polymer square from a previous project. The other square (barely visible, left corner) is a heavy paper, covered with modeling paste and then painted in lumieres. It's almost like a leather texture.)

These are tight shots of the stamps (I grubbed up everything a bit with a stippling of distress inks in "cordury" and "green shutters.") Then I used a large skeleton leaf to sort of connect the elements into a more cohesive whole. This page of script has the "We'll always have Paris" line.

So, that's it! Back next week -- boy, I'll have lots of blog visiting to do then, too!


  1. have a great time! the collage is beautiful jeanie :)

  2. LUcky you ,,,take lots of pictures and have lots of fun fun fun!!! Love the collage. I posted my present from you on my blog today!!!

  3. Amazing collage! Have a wonderful time! Can't wait to hear about it! xo

  4. I hope to get to see you. I'm really enjoying Artiscape.


  5. How exciting!!!!!!! Have a great time and can't wait to hear all about it!!!

  6. Beautiful! Wow. You go ROCK THEM. Have a great time.

  7. Oh can;t wait to read about your experience at this gathering of artists. What fun. All I got this weekend was our Annual Rubberstamp Convention and $60 dollars spent. LOL

  8. WOW, that collage is awesome!
    Have a wonderful time!!!


  9. It's beautiful!! I love distressing stuff too. Can't wait to hear all about your escape! xo

  10. just sews you know i am awaiting your return and post from your adventure :) hope you're havin' a good monday jeanie.

  11. Beautiful collage! I received your sweet birdhouse the other day. Thanks so much!

  12. These are beautiful! I am ignorance and now must google Artiscape?!?

  13. I'm just green with envy that you're going on an art retreat! Lucky!! And your collage is fantastic. I love all the bits and pieces you used, and how they all come together so beautifully.

    Have fun and then come back and tell us all about it.


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