The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fifty Hours in My Weekend World!

Here is my wonderful weekend in pictures… details on some of this later!


Stopped by MSU’s Arts Marathon – 48 hours of non-stop arts activities on MSU’s campus, including music performances, visual art theatre, poetry, dance… you name it…

Then, off to Babes in Arms, an MSU theatre production.

It was a glorious production that could go bigger if they wanted… unbelievable tap numbers… excellent voices… Rodgers and Hart songs… unbelievable (director podcast at the link above)/


Dollar-store finds! (The glass and clear plastic jars are for buttons, ribbon; reader-glasses, Styrofoam plates for making stamps and to use as palates and mini-shakers for metallic powders (I’ll have to cover some of the holes!)

The tap workshop with the cast of “Babes in Arms!” Kate, Jan and I learn steps from the show! No, we’re not ready to fill in as understudies, but we do want to contact the teacher, a sophomore, and see if she’ll give lessons this summer. It was more fun than anything! (Remember, we’re the three who did the tap-dancing movie marathon in the winter… is there a theme?)

After dinner (the first cook-out of the season!) a good scrabble game. Is this a tight board or what?


Hooray! The city is turning “Jeanie Green” and I love it. (I’m also having allergy issues!)

Our wine tasting group met – I’ll do more on this later with some of our favorites. The theme was the Rhone and all were French wines, mostly reds, but one white and one Rose.

We had to leave before dinner, but hostess Barb gave us our party favors. Aren’t these beautiful? You could use dollar-store salt and peppers for these, too!
Then off to “Avenue Q” – a wildly delightful, quasi-raunchy but ever so fun musical. Anything with Muppet-like puppets is my kind of show! Sort of “Sesame Street” grows up!

Interesting note – Both shows we saw had this plot: Boy meets girl. Boy gets girl. Boy gets wooed away from girl by hard-bitten, sleazy showgirl. Boy realizes sleazy showgirl isn’t for him. Boy gets original girl back. Sleazy showgirl reforms into good girl who moves on to a new career.

The difference? Babes in Arms has “My Funny Valentine,” “Blue Moon,” “Johnny One Note,” “I Wish I Were in Love Again” and “With a Song in My Heart.” Avenue Q has “It Sucks to be Me,” “What Do You Do with a B.A. in English,” “You’re a Little Bit Racist (I’m a Little Bit, Too)” and other songs that aren’t so tame but very, very funny.

It’s true – there are only a few plots in the world. They just mix them up a bit!


  1. What a wonderful Art filled week-end you had!!! I can't wait till I can start getting out again and enjoying fun filled outings!
    Our pollen count is horrible right now here and I am suffering today.
    I saw the beautiful Card and ATC that you sent Mom,,Loved it. You are such a dear friend!!!!

  2. you sound so excited! thanks for the photographic journey and 'stage reviews'. you are very good at that you know! it looked to be warm and welcoming weather which must have been nice. oh and your tap dance troupe sounds interesting.. i want to hear more about the tap-dancing movie marathon.. oh hold the phone!...i guess you mean you were watching the movies not creating your own tap dance routines and videotaping them! but that would be a great idea for your next lesson!

  3. Ok, it's official, you've worn me out! How do you do it???? Love all the pictures of everything! Those roses are to die for! I use salt shakers to put different smelly powders in in my bath. I love the little ones like yours. Scrabble!! We haven't played all winter! Our board is down at Riverside--but it won't be long! I love playing any kind of board game! xo

  4. I want to come and spend a weekend with you! No one ever will play scrabble with me around here. And a wine tasting club! More fun than my book club!

  5. A wonderful weekend you shared with us.........
    Blessings and much love~
    Thanks for your visits and kind words.
    Love Jeanne

  6. How much fun! Thanks for the peek into your weekend bliss. xo


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