The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Coming This Week!

Coming to The Marmelade Gypsy this week -- as soon as I can take a breath -- will be...

Recap of WKAR's wheelchair awareness event last Saturday!

Highlights from the PACE (PR) awards and hall of fame induction (hall of fame was a colleague, not me!)

Our adventures viewing raptors on a wildlife excursion Sunday! (The bird photo is by my buddy Mark!)

The good, bad and ugly creations I made during my comp day (and my laptop doesn't facilitate easy blogging -- it's dial-up -- which is why I didn't blog then!

The six-word memoir I was tagged for by Dawn way too long ago!

And, a recipe -- since I haven't posted one in eons!

I will NOT engage you with tales of my impending crown. I see the dentist today.

Mostly, I need a break. I'm sorely missing all of your blogs and hope you don't leave me in the dust as I haven't been visiting for about five or six days. I'm dying to check in on the Sedona gathering that Pam Aries and Lisa OceanDreamer attended (three cheers on your interview in Artful Blogging, Lisa!); catch up on my art pals -- all the Beths, Karla's Cottage, Shelley and Rosemary, among MANY others at the right; find out what's going on with Tara at Paris Parfait; add to my increasing pile of "to read" books from Becca at Bookstack, and more!
(Now I left people out. I'm sorry. I'm typing too fast!)

Meanwhile, today is a great day to click on some of my links -- those mentioned above, as well as the others! They're all over there on the right!

I leave you with two lovely views of Michigan State University in the spring.


  1. Hey..hey..I'm still here..Just been offline a few days. Glad you're still around. I've missed our emails at work. Hugs!

  2. what a great post..a blog preview of what we have to look forward to! i love that idea.... if you head over to tweets and see what i did in order to explain my absence you will see we each have our unique styles for communicating :) i'm definitely tagging this idea for future reference! the two photos are quite lovely a good choice for your close i must say :)
    p.s. thanks for coming over and saying hi the other day. i had not even come close to thinking about leaving you in the dust. i was waiting quite patiently to have you back.

  3. Don't worry - you're busy, but the rest of us too! We all have periods of time when things get too hectic and something falls by the wayside - in my case, it's usually catching up w/ my favourite blogs! Sigh. Just not enough hours in the day... xo


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