The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Now Hear This!

These flowers are for you! Both as a thank you for visiting the Marmelade Gypsy (hopefully commenting!) and for those of you who have blogs, a thank you for what you do for me.

I feel so privileged to have many creative online friends. Friends I have never met in person, but friends nonetheless. Their blog posts take me to places around the world, they captivate my imagination with stunning art and photography which in turn inspires my own creativity. They tell me of books I must add to my list, offer delicious recipes I can add to my own repertoire, provide valuable instruction and make me smile as they tell stories of family, pets and travels. We support one another in times of frustration and we celebrate each others’ joys and achievements.

Three of my online pals – BethD, Rosemary and Shelley – are really responsible for The Marmelade Gypsy. Theirs were the first blogs I visited (we share an art group) and they convinced me I could do it too!

Shelley (aka Artsy) has just started a new blog, Artsy’s Digital Dreams. This focuses exclusively on her digital collage and the work is just beautiful! I encourage you to take a look and surround yourself with the sumptuous colors and beautiful images she brings to the screen. Shelley gets the Marmelade Gypsy High Five Purr of Approval! Stop by and see for yourself!


  1. I'll check out your friend's new blog. I love to see digital work, just can't quite manage it myself!

  2. Thanks for the flowers ;-)
    Wonderful post! I wish I were as eloquent as you are.
    It's amazing to meet bloggers from all over the world, isn't it?
    Thank you for showing me your world!

  3. Thanks for the flowers...I needed a little Spring and those did the trick !!!

    and whoa...that digital can do for me....I just can't do it !....I'm lucky just to be able to make my banners.

  4. I love to grab a coffee and sit down and read your blog, it is so well written and the images always delight (thanks for the beautiful flowers!)
    Thank you for your kind comments on my blog - truly appreciate that you took the time to drop by xxx

  5. Thanks for the high five and the flowers!! That's so cool! I'm so glad I've "met" you too via the internet. I feel like we've been friends forever.


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