The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, March 21, 2008

Have a Good Friday!

I'm really looking forward to Easter this year, if for no other reason than it is spring and that's long overdue! (She says, chirpily, knowing that by Sunday we could have eight inches of snow.)
Carrot cake will be in the oven (maybe carrot cupcakes; I have cute little papers and if I don't use them at Easter, when will I?)

Last night I celebrated spring with a group of friends that energizes me and fills me with joy. We welcomed spring with conversation, laughter and toasts and I left inspired and grateful that I know these terrific women. (And we all send greetings to Kate, who couldn’t make it, being far away! If you’re reading, know that you were missed!)

Then home, to discover a wonderful surprise from Garden Goose – these great tags are so springy and happy -- I was thrilled! Thank you!

Next up: Egg boiling!


During (you'll have to wait for "after")

One Easter tradition I cherish is spending Good Friday evening with our good friends Mark and Jan. We have dinner first, then gather at their home to dye eggs. It's quite the production (though the egging never was quite so colorful after they stopped making the "bunny-head" dye, which was probably terribly toxic!).

Some of our color combos are interesting to say the least! We always dye way too many eggs (which will manifest as deviled eggs on Sunday, along with chopped eggs for the spinach salad and egg salad on Monday!). We revel in oooing and ahhing over each others' achievements. They’re not Martha eggs, that’s for sure! But so fun, so festive!

Then, with stained fingers, we head to the telly to watch Monty Python's “Life of Brian.” It wouldn't seem like Easter if we didn't "Always look on the bright side of life."

When I think back on Easters past, I think of countless hours singing in year after year of church choir extravaganzas (we had an ambitious choir director). And, I think of welcoming friends who couldn't go home for Easter at my parents for dinner. I think of the first Easter after Mom died (she died on April 21; Easter was late that year) and I think of looking for eggs as a kid. (Sometimes I’d find quarters, too!). My favorite Easter basket treat was creamed herring. I was eight. Maybe I’ll get some tomorrow.

What do you remember?


  1. Happy Easter! Still loving your blog. The candied yams are candying away in the oven, the baked beans are bubbling, up next is putting the Easter baskets together. Yes, I know my children are 18 and soon to be 24 but I still do baskets and treats and I'm embarrassed to admit that until a year ago (last year they were all in Thailand for Easter) we still did an Easter egg hunt in the backyard. Whatever happened to the days of frilly fancy dresses, matching white patent leather maryjanes's, matching hats (yes, children too)and white gloves?

  2. so glad you got the little tags.:0) hope you have a lovely Easter.

  3. oops forgot to add that I have some freebies on my blog for scrapbooking/altered art.

  4. I love egg sald with lots of salt n' peppa! yum!

  5. Happy Easter! Life of Brian is one of my favorite movies - what a fun tradition to wath it with your friends!


  6. Creamed herring in your easter basket- that's a pretty sophisticated taste for an eight year old!

    I remember going to early church on Easter Sunday, and then having a pancake breakfast at church followed by an easter egg hunt- which made getting up for church at 7am seem bearable.

  7. Hello dear friend. I had a beautiful ATC awaiting me when I returned home this afternoon. Its lovely, as always. Thank you! I do wish you a Happy Easter. You have the nicest celebrations. I do eggs too! Best wishes!

  8. Hats!
    and the annual VFW easter egg hunt where all the little kids in our town went dressed in their easter outfits to run around frantically trying to get as many eggs as they could find AND get the one with a silver dollar hidden in it. waaaay stressful :)

  9. The Greek will inherit the Earth!!!

    Happy Easter!


  10. Happy Easter Jeanie! Oh, I hope you made cupcakes and saved one for me. I'm on my way! xo


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