The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, January 4, 2008

Thinking About Japan

Over the holidays, Rick and I both received holiday cards from some of our friends in Japan. He had traveled there often for business in his previous job and we became connected with several from Shiga, Japan, who served as visiting delegates for the Sister Cities program. We took a "just for fun" trip there about 10 years ago (which reminds me, I need to renew my passport), staying at the homes of many of our new friends.

Today we heard from Kumiko, who was a delegate here about six years ago. On her card, she had a photo of a calligraphy exhibit she had -- it was beautiful. I'm hoping we can get a website where those images are posted!

The experience was wonderful for all sorts of reasons -- discovering new foods and cultures (Rick often prepares Japanese food), beautiful sites, absorbing one's self in a culture that is pretty different from your own (at least in terms of language and pace). But the friendships were the best.

I was looking at a few of my Asian-themed cards for an upcoming swap and decided to post some of them here! All except the last used vintage postcards I found at an antiquarian book and paper show.

One of the things I remember most about the trip (which was in February and very cold and snowy here) was that although it was also winter there (and in the mountains, it was BIG winter!) we could walk along the streets in Shiga or Tokyo neighborhoods and see flower boxes with pansies. It was a great lift, seeing those bright faces of purple and yellow and knowing spring would come to Michigan again someday. I have to remember that this morning!


  1. Our children live in Asia. We landed in Japan when we went to visit them..............and have relatives that live in Japan
    How beautiful is everything that you share.
    I love anything from the Orient.
    Beautiful part of the world.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  2. That emphemera is absolutely gorgeous! I haven't been to Japan, but your post is a reminder of how much I'd like to add it to my list!

  3. What pretty artwork!

    I read a lot and I enjoyed the book Memoirs of a Geisha set in Japan. The author was very desciptive and then later I saw the movie. It was beautiful!

    Have a great evening!

  4. How beautiful!! I love the origami at the end. I never could do that!

  5. I love oriental art. These are simply beautiful! My sister in law has family in Japan (daughter in law is from there) Her visit last year was the trip of a lifetime.

  6. Wow,,I Love the Asian themed ATCs. I Love making them too. I have been working on some jewelry projects some this week-end. I have the art studio pretty much back together. I posted pics of my new wallpaper border on my blog. I will post pics of the art room one day this week. I want to go to Japan too. Hope you have a great Monday!


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