The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I'm Dreaming of...

Myrtle Beach.

It's snowing here this morning, and while we had deep snow on January 1 that has since melted, this is only a drop in the bucket.

But it still makes me long for Myrtle Beach, SC, where we go each summer when Rick does a trade show there. I help, but I get a lot more play time than he does.
We take our own towels and sit on the sand, but I love the way these bright beach umbrellas and chaises look. They form one long, seemingly neverending row down the beach for miles! The sand is hard enough to build a good castle and there are plenty of shells, many of which have found their way into art projects.

The water -- I never knew I loved the ocean until after Myrtle Beach. Huge, powerful waves, perfect for diving into or over. Warm. Salty. When Big Cat Stimpy died, we went to MB about a week or two after. I truly felt that all the salt in the water mirrored all the tears I had cried for my sweet Angel Boy, and in so very many ways it was a divinely healing place.

Although it's no longer there, one of my favorite places was the Pavilion amusement park. This is not your oversized theme park, but the kind of park I remember from when I was a kid. A marvelous carousel, lots of "whirl-and-hurl" rides, fortune tellers and plenty of carnival buskers. A great place to people watch and spend a warm summer evening before walking back on the beach.

So, as I look at the flurries outside and count down the days until spring is really here to stay, I'm dreaming of Myrtle Beach. Salty waves, lots of sand, the air thick with humidity and plenty of sun!

On another note, tonight is UFO Night at knitting guild -- unfinished object night. I'll post a photo of my 1985 UFO -- hopefully tomorrow. Maybe I'll get a few hints on what to do with it. One thing is certain -- it will not end in the form in which it began!


  1. I would love spring to get here! I also love summer, but did you know I might be the only person in the world that doesn't like the beach? It creeps me out. I think its because when I was little I was with my grandmother on Long Island and I got frightened by a big fish in the I only go swimming in pools. I don't like to photograph the ocean because there is nothing to see but water.

    Give me summer a mountain top and a tent and I'm in paradise.

  2. Wait a minute..REAL UFO in 1985? COOL!!

  3. I am so ready for spring too. I am so looking forward to planting in my new yard. I would love to go to the beach this year but unless I go with Rosemary it probably won't happen. Snow and sleet in our forecast today too,,ugh!
    Hope your feeling better.

  4. I love a white sand beach and the Gulf ocean! The only one I've been to is Destin FL in was awesome!!

    Thanks for sharing your pictures and letting me dream of escaping this blasted cold!


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