The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, December 28, 2007

Waiting for the New Year!

Waiting for the new year... what does this one bring? Last year brought trips to Dallas, Norfolk, Myrtle Beach and Ontario; lots of good books; "Mack and Mabel" at Shaw Festival; fun at the lake; Kevin's graduation; visiting him at Northern Michigan University; an exciting project on World War II at WKAR; two surgeries that turned out OK; (finally) starting to lose weight, and so much more...
What's waiting for us in 2008?


  1. What an adorable yet beautiful card. I like your list too. That is a good exercise at the end of a year. I'm flattered to make the link list and congrats on navigating it.

  2. Such a pretty card! ATC? Love it. My year was awful the first part, but great near the end. I'm ready for a new year full of possibilities.


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