The Gypsy Caravan 2023

Friday, February 23, 2024

Perfect Pesto

I'm always torn between basil and thyme being my favorite herbs. Quite some time ago, I posted that I made the "best pesto" (and easiest, too). Several of you asked for the recipe and my friend, Anne, gracefully allowed me to share it! Finally!

Why do I like this recipe above all others? Basically, it's easy! I use a blender, not a food processor, so in other recipes, where you add the oil at the end, in this one you do it first and it gives enough liquid to move the basil and not clog the machine. And it's so good! I'll put a few recipe ideas below.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Life In February

Lovely life goes on here and February has included a visit from a good friend, Cork Poppers (which I hosted), and more! Valentine week started on Monday with a surprise delivery of flowers from a dear friend. They're so cheery and I loved them!

Rick made a wonderful Valentine's Day dinner. This is the first year I haven't written a poetry book for him about our past year. January just got out of control and I feel kind of sad about it, though I may pony up later in the year. But I did paint a valentine! So that helped assuage my conscience a wee bit.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Cork Poppers Celebrate Wines We Love for Valentine's Day (or any day!)

Our February Cork Poppers gathered at my house (crammed in between Christmas trees and decor because the basement is awaiting its mold removal!). Since it was only a few days before Valentine's Day I decided the theme should be "Wines We Love" and every couple was to bring a particular wine or a type of wine (Pinot Grigio, Malbec, etc.) that they loved. Or from a place they loved. Shouldn't be hard (and it wasn't)!

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Finding Bits of Happy

Not long ago, that furry, red, Muppet favorite, Elmo, asked on X (Twitter) "How are you doing?" And boy, did people tell him! The consensus? The people weren't doing all that well with stress related from everything to illness to job issues, family problems to the nitpicky problems that occur in day to day life. 

It's probably good I didn't see that tweet because I would have added my two cents, too! We've been having a bit of a rough time of it here this winter. On one hand, I have been dealing with some health issues along with computer challenges and the mold problem. Rick, meanwhile, has been dealing with some challenging things related to the transition of his business. And Lizzie is having a few issues too. We've all been struggling and, fortunately, have each other for support. 

But we're not the only ones. I've noticed a number of bloggers are going through challenging times with either illness or the illness of family members. Another blogger has been trying to get action from an insurance company after a fire. Still more have work issues or family issues. Lots of us are stressed politically. We all have something sometime. 

As I've often said before, we all get a turn, and this is ours. Maybe yours, too.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The Books of January

There is nothing better for a reader than to start off a new year with three very good books! And I am happy to say that I've enjoyed every minute of my reading experiences this month! Let's take a look at two solid mysteries and one monster-sized biography that was outstanding.